Learn to play the piano to your favorite songs

The 10 Best Intermediate Songs to Play on the Piano

intermediate songs piano

If you’ve already mastered the beginner level pieces and are now looking for more advanced pieces to enrich your piano repertoire, you’ve come to the right place.

We’ve put together a carefully chosen selection of the 10 best intermediate-level piano pieces.

Whether you’re drawn to timeless classics, pop ballads or contemporary pieces, you’ll find a diverse selection here to enrich your musical practice.

So, are you ready to explore these intermediate-level pieces that will take your piano playing to the next level?

Note: all the songs presented in this article are available on the La Touche Musicale piano learning app. So you can learn to play them with ease.

für elise

Für Elise - Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven’s famous Für Elise is an iconic classical piece, released in the early 19th century.

This timeless composition, characterized by its delicate melodies and graceful rhythm, is a staple of the piano repertoire.

Discover our article on how to play this piece right here.

fur elise ludwig van beethoven piano
Intermediate piano pieces: learn Für Elise with La Touche Musicale
river flows in you

River Flows In You - Yiruma

Yiruma’s River Flows in You is a modern piece that has captivated listeners since its release in 2001.

This delicate, emotional composition, often associated with romantic or contemplative moments, offers intermediate pianists a captivating and rewarding musical experience.

river flows in you yiruma piano
Intermediate piano music: learn River Flows In You with La Touche Musicale
comptine d'un autre été

Comptine d'un autre été - Yann Tiersen

Released in 2001 as part of the soundtrack to the film Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain, Yann Tiersen’s Comptine d’un autre été has become a modern piano classic.

With its enchanting melodic motifs and nostalgic mood, this piece offers intermediate pianists a rich and emotional musical experience.

comptine d'un autre été yann tiersen piano
Learn Comptine d'un autre été on the piano with La Touche Musicale
clair de lune

Clair de Lune - Claude Debussy

Claude Debussy’s Clair de Lune, released in 1905, is an emblematic piece of the Romantic piano repertoire.

With an intermediate level of difficulty, this song offers pianists the opportunity to immerse themselves in the poetic atmosphere of Debussy’s impressionist music.

If you like this piece, take a look at our tutorial on how to play it on the piano.

clair de lune claude debussy piano
Medium-level piano pieces: learn Clair de Lune with La Touche Musicale
prelude in c major

Prelude in C Major - Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach’s Prelude in C Major, an iconic piece of the classical repertoire, offers intermediate pianists a stimulating challenge.

Composed in the 18th century, this captivating prelude is characterized by its elegant simplicity and timeless beauty.

Take a look at our article on the best classical pieces to play on the piano.

Prelude in C Major Johann Sebastian Bach piano
Intermediate piano pieces: learn Prelude in C Major with La Touche Musicale
piano man

Piano Man - Billy Joel

Billy Joel’s Piano Man, released in 1973, is an iconic song that tells the story of a bar pianist.

With its poignant lyrics and catchy melody, this piece has captivated listeners for decades.

For intermediate pianists, playing this song offers an opportunity to capture the nostalgic spirit of the piano-bar era.

piano man billy joel piano
Intermediate level piano songs: learn Piano Man with La Touche Musicale

Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen

Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah, released in 1984, is an iconic song that has been covered by many artists over the years.

With its profound lyrics and moving melody, this piece offers an emotional musical experience.

If you’d like to learn how to play this song on the piano, we invite you to check out our tutorial right here.

hallelujah leonard cohen piano
Learn Hallelujah with La Touche Musicale
all of me

All of Me - John Legend

Released in 2013, John Legend’s All of Me is a romantic ballad that has captured hearts around the world.

With its heartfelt lyrics and gentle melody, this song offers a tender musical experience.

With an intermediate difficulty level, this song allows you to expand your range on the piano.

all of me john legend piano
Intermediate-level piano music: learn All of Me with La Touche Musicale
let it be

Let It Be - The Beatles

Let It Be by The Beatles, released in 1970, is an iconic song that offers a message of hope and comfort.

With its timeless lyrics and soothing melody, it continues to touch listeners around the world.

Take a look at our article on how to play Let It Be on the piano.

let it be the beatles piano
Medium-level piano tunes: learn Let It Be with La Touche Musicale

Clocks - Coldplay

Released in 2002, Coldplay’s Clocks is a famous song that combines catchy melodies with dynamic rhythms. With its evocative lyrics and striking melody, this piece offers an unforgettable musical experience.

For intermediate pianists, playing this song allows you to explore the harmonic and rhythmic richness of Coldplay’s music.

clocks coldplay piano
Intermediate piano tunes: learn Clocks with La Touche Musicale

Conclusion about The 10 Best Intermediate Songs to Play on the Piano

These 10 examples are our selection of the best intermediate-level songs to play on the piano, but there are many more!

Discover more songs on our La Touche Musicale application.

Learn to play your favorite songs on the piano

The La Touche Musicale learning app offers more than 2,500 songs to play easily on the piano. Connect your piano to your device and learn to play them at your own pace while having fun.

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Learn piano online with the songs you love

La Touche Musicale is an app that allows you to learn the piano online with interactive lessons. Connect your piano or keyboard via USB and learn over 2,500 songs easily.