Learn to play the piano to your favorite songs

Imagine – Piano Tutorial with Letter Notes

imagine piano notes letters

If you want to learn how to play the notes of the song Imagine on the piano, you’ve come to the right place!

Let’s plunge together into the timeless world of John Lennon’s Imagine! This iconic song, a true hymn to peace and unity, continues to touch hearts around the world. In this detailed guide, we’ll explore the intricacies of playing Imagine on the piano, breaking down every aspect, from right-hand melodies to left-hand harmonies.

First, we’ll examine the right-hand lines, highlighting the nuances that make this song such an essential classic. Next, we’ll look at the chords the left hand must provide to sustain the depth of the music. For a deeper understanding, we’ll include visual examples and video tutorials to guide you through every step of your musical exploration.

Our goal is to arm you with the skills you need to interpret this iconic song with precision, enabling you to capture all the magic and poetry of Imagine at the keyboard.

Ready to dive into this musical adventure? Then don’t waste any more time, and let’s get started!

Bonus : you can also learn to play this song at your own pace on our interactive piano learning app La Touche Musicale.


Learn to play your favorite songs on the piano

The La Touche Musicale learning app offers more than 2,500 songs to play easily on the piano. Connect your piano to your device and learn to play them at your own pace while having fun.

Imagine on the piano: finding your way around the keyboard

Before we dive into learning Imagine on the piano, let’s take a moment to brush up on the basics. If you’re already comfortable with key placement and note notation, you can confidently move on to the next step. However, if you’re new to these concepts, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the image below:

piano keyboard notes

The name of the notes on a piano keyboard.

To help you find your way around the piano keyboard, concentrate on the note C as your starting point. You’ll always find it on the white key just to the left of a set of two black keys. Once you’ve located the note C, you’ll find it easier to spot other notes such as F, B and D.

This may seem a simple exercise, but it’s fundamental to your mastery of the keyboard. By familiarizing yourself with note location, you’ll find that the instructions for playing John Lennon’s Imagine on the piano will be clearer and less intimidating. Taking the time to get used to the layout of the keys and the names of the notes will help you make rapid progress in your musical practice.

Imagine : playing the notes with the right hand

Where to start?

Now that you’ve had a chance to familiarize yourself with the layout of the piano keyboard, let’s dive into the tones your right hand will produce to interpret Imagine’s melody.

To begin this step, let’s focus on the first chord your right hand will play. This chord is formed by the notes E and G. By placing your fingers appropriately on these keys, you’ll be ready to begin your musical journey through Imagine.

imagine first notes piano right hand

E and G are the first notes to be played with the right hand for the song Imagine on piano.

The notes of the right hand

Now that you’ve located the position of the notes E and G on the keyboard, you’re ready to start the Imagine melody with your right hand. Use this note as your starting point and follow the sequence below, playing each note consecutively on your keyboard:

E + G – E + G – E + G – G + B – F + A – F + A – F + A – A – A# – B – D – E + G – E + G – G + B – F + A – F + A – F + A – A – A# – B – C – G – G – G – G – B – B – A – A – A# – B – D – G – G – G – G – B – B – A – A – A# – B – D – G – G – B – B – A – A – A# – B – D – G – G – G – B – B – A – A – C – A – C – E – E – D – C – A – B – B – B – C – D – E – G – E – D – C – G – G – G – G – B – B – A – A – A# – B – D – G – G – G – G – B – B – A – A – A# – B – D – G – G – B – B – A – A – A# – B – D – G – G – G – B – B – A – A – C – A – C – E – E – D – C – A – B – B – B – C – D – E – G – E – D – C – A – C – B – A – B – C – C – B – D – C – A – C – B – B – A – A – E – B – D – C – A – A – C – B – A – B – C – C – A – G – B – D – C – C – C – D – E – D – C – D – E – C – C.

By practicing these note sequences regularly, you’ll notice a gradual improvement in your skill until you can play the whole melody using your right hand on the keyboard. It’s advisable to practice this note sequence several times to perfect your fluency in this part of the song.

imagine piano notes right hand

Imagine on the piano: the notes of the right hand.

Video tutorial

To speed up your learning process, nothing beats a live video demonstration. Our tutorial will show you exactly which keys to play with your right hand to interpret the melody flawlessly. Follow the instructions carefully and press the indicated keys when the notes reach the virtual keyboard. This dynamic visualization will help you to assimilate more quickly the finger movements and positions required to play the song smoothly.

Video tutorial of the notes to play with the right hand for the song Imagine

Well done for mastering the melody of this song with your right hand!

Now let’s look at the sequence of notes your left hand will have to play.

La Touche Musicale app waits for you to play the right note with your right hand on your piano before moving on to the next one.

Imagine playing the notes with the left hand

Where to start?

The main function of the left hand on the piano is often to provide the chords that form the harmonic foundation, enabling the right hand to play the main melody. However, the left hand adds extra depth and richness to your playing by incorporating harmonic subtleties.

To determine the first chord your left hand will play, we’ll follow a similar approach to that used for the right hand. This chord consists of the note C.

imagine first notes piano left hand

C is the first note to be played with the left hand for the song Imagine on piano.

The notes of the left hand

Have you found the note in the right octave on your piano? Perfect!

Now let’s move on to the series of notes your left hand will have to play. Follow the instructions below carefully to master Imagine’s accompaniment with your left hand:

C – C – C – C – C – C – C – C – C – C – C – C – C – C – C – C – F – C – F – C – C – F – C – F – C – C – F – C – F – C – C – F – C – F – F – E – D – C – D – D – D – E – F – C – C – F – C – F – C – C – F – C – F – C – C – F – C – F – C – C – F – C – F – F – E – D – C – D – D – D – E – F – F – G – C – E + G# – F – G – B – C – E + G# – F – G – C – E + G# – F – G – C.

It would be beneficial to repeat this sequence of notes several times until you feel perfectly at ease in its execution. With regular and assiduous practice, you’ll be able to play this series of notes smoothly and without error.

imagine piano notes left hand

Imagine on the piano: the notes of the left hand.

Video tutorial

Of course, we’ve prepared a detailed video guide that will take you step by step through the nuances of the notes your left hand should play for this iconic piece. As you watch carefully, be sure to identify each key and press the corresponding keys at the precise moment they are indicated. This approach will ensure that your accompaniment harmonizes perfectly with the original version, enabling you to faithfully recreate the song.

Video tutorial of the left hand notes for the song Imagine

The La Touche Musicale app waits for you to play the correct note with your left hand on your piano before moving on to the next.

Congratulations! You now have the skills to play both the melody with your right hand and the accompaniment with your left hand for the song Imagine on your keyboard.

Now it’s time to take up the challenge of synchronizing your two hands to offer a coherent and complete interpretation of the song.

Are you ready to embark on this new stage of your musical adventure? Let’s get started!

Imagine on the piano: play the song with both hands


Playing the piano with both hands requires coordination and patience. Be kind to yourself, as synchronizing the movements of both hands can be a challenge at first.

It’s essential to bear in mind that mastering a new piece on the piano can take time, sometimes several weeks. However, once you’ve mastered it, you’ll be able to play your favorite piece with ease. Regular practice will enable you to get to know it perfectly, making sheet music almost useless. The interactive application La Touche Musicale can be a valuable resource to help you in this process.

Here’s a useful tip: divide the piece into segments of a few seconds, ideally between 5 and 10.

Start by concentrating on the series of notes your right hand should play for each selected segment. Repeat this part until you feel comfortable, then move on to the series of notes intended for the left hand. Once you’ve mastered the parts corresponding to each hand for a given segment, try coordinating them.

Continue this method segment by segment. When you feel ready, combine these segments to create a seamless, fluid performance. This step-by-step approach to learning the piano will enable you to savor each small advance and make the overall challenge more accessible as you practice.

imagine piano notes both hands

Imagine on the piano: the notes of both hands.

Video tutorial

Check out our comprehensive video tutorial which guides you through the process of learning to interpret Imagine with both hands on the keyboard.

Regular practice and perseverance are essential, but be confident in your talent. Make sure you stay alert to tempo changes and maintain precise synchronization between your hands, as we’ve already outlined.

There will be times when you need to play several keys simultaneously to form chords, and others when notes need to be executed one at a time.

If the rhythm of the video seems too fast, don’t hesitate to pause it when the notes appear. This will allow you to adjust the position of your fingers on the keyboard to optimize your learning.

If interrupting the video frequently to reposition your fingers seems tedious, our interactive application La Touche Musicale is here to help. With its interactive features, including a “learning mode” that advances only when you press the right keys, the app overcomes this obstacle. It also offers a visual representation of the notes you’ll find in our videos. We recommend that you use this feature as an additional resource to complement this online guide.

With a wide selection of titles for different styles and skill levels, we’re convinced that our app can greatly enrich your piano learning journey. So, are you ready to dive fully into this musical exploration?

Video tutorial to play the notes of both hands of the song Imagine on the piano.

Ajoutez votre titre ici

The La Touche Musicale app waits for you to play the right notes with both hands on your piano before moving on to the next.

Congratulations! You can now play Imagine in its entirety on your keyboard.

If you’ve found this guide useful, we also offer educational resources for a wide range of popular songs, covering a variety of musical genres:


Download the free piano sheet music of the song Imagine in PDF

Thanks to this comprehensive guide, you now have the ability to play one of the most iconic pop songs in its entirety, skilfully synchronizing both hands on the keyboard.

To further enrich your musical experience, we’ve provided a link to download the PDF score of Imagine, giving you the freedom to play this piece wherever you like, at your own pace and according to your own learning preferences.

Don’t forget that our La Touche Musicale application is at your disposal to make your learning journey both enjoyable and instructive. Whether you’re exploring new tunes, perfecting your piano skills or simply enjoying yourself, we’re here to accompany you every step of the way on your musical journey.

We can’t wait to see where this new mastery takes you on your future piano adventures, and we’re here to support you every step of the way!

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Learn piano online with the songs you love

La Touche Musicale is an app that allows you to learn the piano online with interactive lessons. Connect your piano or keyboard via USB and learn over 2,500 songs easily.