Learn to play the piano to your favorite songs

City Of Stars – Piano Tutorial with Letter Notes

city of stars piano notes letters

Want to learn how to play La La Land’s most iconic song on the piano? You’ve come to the right place!

City Of Stars is a song from the 2016 film La La Land. Composed by Justin Hurwitz with lyrics by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, this haunting melody became an instant hit. The song captured the hearts of audiences and won the Oscar for Best Original Song. More than just a melody, City Of Stars has become a cinematic icon.

The aim of this article is to guide you through the technique required to play the notes of City Of Stars on the piano. You’ll start with the right hand, then the left, and finally play both hands simultaneously. An intelligent and captivating program, isn’t it?

You’ll also benefit from video tutorials offering visual support to facilitate your learning. At the end of the article, you’ll also find the free piano score for City Of Stars.

Let’s go !

Bonus : you can also learn to play this song at your own pace on our interactive piano learning app La Touche Musicale.


Learn to play your favorite songs on the piano

The La Touche Musicale learning app offers more than 2,500 songs to play easily on the piano. Connect your piano to your device and learn to play them at your own pace while having fun.

City Of stars on the piano: finding your way around the keyboard

Before playing the notes of City Of Stars on the piano, let’s review the basics and learn how to find our way around a keyboard.

The diagram below shows the notes associated with each key on the keyboard:

piano keyboard notes

The name of the notes on a piano keyboard.

On a piano keyboard, each key represents a musical note. To orient yourself, start by locating a group of two black keys. The white key immediately to the left of this group of two black keys is always the note C. The next white keys in order are D, E, F, G, A and B.

We therefore recommend that you identify this reference point: the note Do. Once you’ve found it, you can easily determine the other notes on the keyboard from this point.

For your information, the black keys correspond to the sharps (indicated by the # symbol).

Now that you know how to find your way around the keyboard, we can start playing the notes of City Of Stars on the piano. Let’s go!

City Of stars : playing the notes with the right hand

Where to start?

Now that you’ve learned to spot the notes on the keyboard, let’s move on to learning the City Of Stars melody with your right hand.

Let’s start this tutorial by identifying the first note to be played with the right hand. In the song City Of Stars, the first note to be played is a G. Position your right hand so that your thumb is on the note.

Once you’re comfortable with this position, you can move on to the next step.

city of stars first notes piano right hand

G is the first note to be played with the right hand for the song City Of Stars on piano.

The notes of the right hand

Did you find the G note? Great! Now you’ve got your starting point for the melody! Starting from this note, you’ll play the following notes in order:

G – A – A# – D – E – F – D – E – C – D – A – G – A – A# – D – E – F – D – E – C – D – A – A – A# – D – C – D – C – D – C – D – A – A – A – A – A – A – A# + G – D – E – A – A – G – F – D – G – A – A# – D – F – E – F – D – E – C – D – A – D + A + F – F + A – E + A – C – D + G – A – A# – D – F – E – F – D – E – C – D – A – G – A – C – A – A – A# – D – C – D – C – D – C – D – A – A – A – A# – A – A – A# + G – G – D – E – C# – A – G – F – D – A + F.

Take the time to play each note individually to memorize its position and sound. Repeat this sequence several times until you feel comfortable with the rhythm and the transition between notes. With practice and patience, you’ll make rapid progress.

city of stars piano notes right hand

City Of stars on the piano: the notes of the right hand.

Video tutorial

To make learning easier, there’s nothing better than a video detailing precisely which keys to press with your right hand to play the notes of the City Of Stars melody flawlessly on the piano. Our video tutorial guides you step by step: look closely at the screen and press the appropriate keys as the notes appear and reach the virtual keyboard. Follow the rhythm and repeat each sequence as many times as necessary to memorize the sequences. You’ll soon be able to play City Of Stars with ease and fluidity.

Video tutorial of the notes to play with the right hand for the song City Of stars

Congratulations, we’re sure you’ve interpreted the melody of this famous song perfectly using your right hand!

Now let’s move on to the sequence of notes to be played with your left hand.

La Touche Musicale app waits for you to play the right note with your right hand on your piano before moving on to the next one.

City Of stars playing the notes with the left hand

Where to start?

When playing the piano, the left hand is often responsible for playing the chords, providing a solid harmonic foundation for the music. This creates a complete musical texture, allowing the right hand to concentrate on the melody.

To start playing City Of Stars with your left hand, let’s choose the first chord. This first chord is made up of the note G.

city of stars first notes piano left hand

G is the first note to be played with the left hand for the song City Of Stars on piano.

The notes of the left hand

Excellent! You’ve identified the first note to play for the accompaniment. Let’s continue by pressing the following notes in succession to form the chords:

G – A# – D – G – G – F – D – G – A# – D – G – G – F – D – G – A# – D – G – G – F – D – G – A# – D – G – G – F – D – G – A# – D – G – G – F – D – C – E – G – C – C – A# – G – D – F – A – D – D – C – A – D – F – A – D – D – C – A – G – A# – D – G – G – F – D – C – E – G – C – A# – F – A – C – F – F – E – C – F – A – C – F – F – E – C – G – A# – D – G – G – F – D – C – E – G – C – C – A# – G – F – A – C – E – A – C – D# – A – C – G – A# – D – G – G – F – D – A – C# – E – D – F – A – D – D – C – A – C – F – A – D – D – C – A – G – A# – D – G – G – F – D – C – E – G – C – C – A# – G – D – F – A – D – D – C – A – D – F – A – D – D – C – A – G – A# – D – G – G – F – D – C – E – G – C – A# – F – A – C – F – C – E – A – C – G – A# – D – G – G – F – D – C – E – G – C – C – A# – G – F – A – C – E – A – C – D# – A – C – G – A# – D – G – G – F – D – A – C# – E – D – F – A – D – D – C – A – D – F – A – D – D – C – A – D + D + A.

Make sure you place your fingers correctly on the corresponding keys and maintain uniform pressure for each chord. Concentrate on synchronizing both hands for a harmonious sound.

Practice this chord sequence slowly at first, ensuring that each transition is fluid. As you become more comfortable, you can gradually increase the speed.

city of stars piano notes left hand

City Of stars on the piano: the notes of the left hand.

Video tutorial

To help you master the left-hand piano part of City Of Stars, we’ve prepared a detailed video tutorial. In this video, each left-hand movement is presented and explained in detail, enabling you to understand and reproduce each chord with precision. Take advantage of this resource to perfect your playing and strengthen your understanding of the accompaniment to this iconic song.

Video tutorial of the left hand notes for the song City Of stars

The La Touche Musicale app waits for you to play the correct note with your left hand on your piano before moving on to the next.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully learned to play the notes of the song with both hands separately! Now let’s take the next step and learn to play the notes with both hands simultaneously.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

City Of stars on the piano: play the song with both hands


Learning to play the piano with both hands requires finesse, coordination and patience. Synchronizing movements may seem arduous at first, but with a few practical tips, mastering the notes of City Of Stars on the piano becomes more accessible.

To begin with, take a gradual approach, starting slowly and gradually increasing speed as you follow the video. Divide the piece into smaller parts and concentrate on each one before moving on to the next. Start by working on the right-hand series of notes for each section, then move on to the left-hand series. Then gradually integrate both hands, section by section.

Regular practice is essential to improve your playing. Using our La Touche Musicale application in learning mode can be very helpful. Bear in mind that mastering this final stage takes time, but we’re convinced of your potential!

city of stars piano notes both hands

City Of stars on the piano: the notes of both hands.

Video tutorial

In this latest video tutorial, you’ll learn which notes to play with both hands simultaneously. Carefully follow the instructions in the video by pressing the corresponding keys on your keyboard, making sure you play the same notes with both hands and with the same duration.

If the rhythm seems too fast, don’t hesitate to slow down or pause the video. Use this time to reposition your fingers on the keyboard to play the notes of City Of Stars on the piano with precision and fluidity.

Here’s a handy tip: if you find it difficult to keep up with the video, you can use the interactive application La Touche Musicale. This app will wait patiently for you to play the right note before moving on to the next, which can greatly help you to work at your own pace and improve your playing gradually.

Remember that regular practice is essential to mastering this final step. Take your time, concentrate on each section of the piece, and use all the resources available to help you learn. You’re well on your way to becoming an accomplished pianist!

Video tutorial to play the notes of both hands of the song City Of stars on the piano.

Ajoutez votre titre ici

The La Touche Musicale app waits for you to play the right notes with both hands on your piano before moving on to the next.

Congratulations! You’ve now mastered the entire City Of Stars song on piano. We’re sure you’re feeling great satisfaction!

To keep the momentum going, we’ve selected three tutorials that might interest you:


Download the free piano sheet music of the song City Of stars in PDF

You’ve skilfully gone through all the stages, and now you can handle the notes of City Of Stars on the piano with dazzling confidence!

As announced at the start of the tutorial, the PDF score for City Of Stars is available free of charge.

And to keep the rhythm going, don’t forget to explore the features of our La Touche Musicale application. It will accompany you as you learn to play the piano, for even more exciting musical sessions!

We hope this musical adventure has brought a touch of magic to your day!

See you soon, musical virtuoso!

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Learn piano online with the songs you love

La Touche Musicale is an app that allows you to learn the piano online with interactive lessons. Connect your piano or keyboard via USB and learn over 2,500 songs easily.