Extension Log in Shortcut - Log in with 1 Click

Install the extension on :

google chrome logo microsoft edge logo firefox logo

log in shortcut extension

Log in quickly

Install the Log in Shortcut extension in your browser to log in to your La Touche Musicale account in one click.
log in shortcut extension demo

The advantages of the extension

You connect to your account in 1 click.
web search engine
Available on 3 different browsers.
The extension installs in one click on your browser.
The extension remains very discreet while still being visible.
Install on :

google chrome logo microsoft edge logo firefox logo

How to install it?

1 1

Choose the browser

Choose the browser you use the most.
2 1

Install the extension

Go to the extension page and install it on your browser.
push pin
3 1

Pin the extension

Pin the extension so that it always remains visible on your browser.
4 1

Connect in 1 click

Click on the “Log in” button to be immediately redirected to your La Touche Musicale account.

Any questions?

The Log in Shortcut extension is a plug-in that installs on your browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox). Once installed, it allows you to quickly connect to your La Touche Musicale account directly from your browser. So you don’t have to go through the usual long steps (Google search, …).
To install the extension, you will need one of the following three browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox.
To use the extension, you just have to :
1 – Install it on the browser of your choice;
2 – Pin it in your browser so that it is always visible;
3 – Click on the extension icon and then on the “Log in” button to connect directly to your La Touche Musicale account from your browser.
Not necessarily. You can install it first, then click on “Sign up for free” to create your La Touche Musicale account. Once your account is created, you will be able to click on the “Log in” button in the extension to log in to your newly created account with one click.
Of course! The extension is 100% free and has been developed to make accessing your La Touche Musicale account much easier and faster.
Connect in the blink of an eye

google chrome logo microsoft edge logo firefox logo